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Oculusai Technologies automates the process of verifying user photos for online dating sites

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Oculusai Technologies automates the process of verifying user photos for online dating sites

Upgraded AIR™ (Automated Image Rejection) service filters through profile pics and automatically rejects low quality images and scammers

Oculusai Technologies (www.oculusai.com) has just announced the update release of its photo moderation solution for online dating and social networking websites.

The new release of AIR™ (Automated Image Rejection) will improve the overall photo review performance for these sites, including the detection of facial rotations and side view images. This upgrade will also increase facial detection rates.

With this new AIR solution, all head shot images that are uploaded onto one of these sites are filtered through the service and automatically rejected if they are hard to distinguish, meaning if they are blurred, partly covered or multiple faced images, or if they contain known celebrities or scammers.

Siamak Ayani, CEO and cofounder of Oculusai, said, “Naturally, one of the most important factors for the success of any online dating site is having a large database of high-quality profiles. And one of the best ways to create a growing user base that stays active on the site involves automating a process that rejects questionable photos and encourages members to upload acceptable photos. The AIR solution does just that.”

“Using AIR will reduce the costs of processing member photos and improve the overall conversion rates for dating sites,” he added. “And what’s more, our stand-alone service can be up and running on any site within a matter of hours.”

Oculusai also has been experimenting with other ways to use this technology, such as extracting visual “meta data” from photos so that dating site members can search for their “dream date” based on their visual preferences. For example, online daters could conduct a visual search of other members with blond hair and green eyes. Other projects include developing a centralized and shared database of scammer photos as a collaboration among many dating sites to help address this industry-wide issue.

More information
Siamak Ayani, CEO and cofounder of Oculusai: +46 (0)73-982 51 15, siamak@oculusai.com

About Oculusai Technologies
Oculusai Technologies (www.oculusai.com) is a leading provider of image rejection services for online dating and social networking websites. Since its launch in 2008, the company has developed a series of state-of-the-art solutions that considerably speed up and improve the image moderation process in these areas. To date, the company has clients in the U.S. and Europe. Oculusai has been recognized with several prestigious awards as one of the hottest startups in Scandinavia and throughout Europe.

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